1) All computers need basic software known as an Operating system to function.
2) The OS acts as an interface between the user, application programs, hardware, and system peripherals.
3) operating systems can be of two types: Network operating system and simple stand alone desktop.
4) DOS provides a text based interface called the command prompt that can be issued to perform file and disk management, and execute programs.
5) The DOS commands like COPY, MOVE, XCOPY, REN, DEL, MD, RD etc. are used for file management.
2) The OS acts as an interface between the user, application programs, hardware, and system peripherals.
3) operating systems can be of two types: Network operating system and simple stand alone desktop.
4) DOS provides a text based interface called the command prompt that can be issued to perform file and disk management, and execute programs.
5) The DOS commands like COPY, MOVE, XCOPY, REN, DEL, MD, RD etc. are used for file management.